Square Organics

April 22nd is Earth Day and worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. I decided to partner with Square Organics on a beach clean up on Hollywood Beach in Florida.


I came across Square Organics in my hunt for a protein bar to fit my diet and my tastebuds. I have had to limit my dairy intake but I still wanted to find a bar that could give me a protein boost to balance my increased workout routine but still tastes good! I really enjoy the chocolate coated bars! It feels like I’m getting in a cheat snack, especially with the cookie dough version!

Bonus! Square Organics does a lot of good! In 2013, they partnered with leading anti-human trafficking nonprofit, Not For Sale. So when you buy products, Square will make a donation of their net profits quarterly! It should have been no surprise when Square put out a call to action to find partners to put on Earth Day events.


I enjoy giving back to the community. Whether it be doing a fundraiser for the Human Society, organizing a performance for the Exceptional Theater Company or donating my time to a local school, I think it is important for everyone to do their part and help one another. I was excited to host one of the Square Earth Day events in my very own Hollywood Beach. We have a very active community and I knew it would be a great success.


Square donated gloves, trash bags, totes, pins and sweatshirts to all those that pre registered. I put together Florida’s Hollywood bags for those that signed up or walked up after registration closed to keep the energy going.

We had a constant flow of people coming up asking for bags. There were so many green bags around the beach that beach goers wanted in on the action too. We had guests from all around the world wanting to participate even on their vacation!


Hollywood CRA maintenance crew was out there with us and disposed of all the trash and collected all recycled items. We were able to keep Hollywood Beach beautiful and keep all the trash off the beach and out of the ocean.